We are passionate about finding more effective ways to sell your products and services. We accomplish this by providing dedicated sales personnel, turn-key operations and systems expertise. We develop new or replace existing sales functions for retailers and organizations. Our goal, with every consumer interaction is to provide the ultimate sales and service experience. The result is increased client loyalty and lasting client relationships that ultimate drive increased, sustainable sales growth.
When effectively trained your brand teams will become sales advocates able to convert consumers into shoppers right at the point of purchase.
Allow us to coach your teams on the art of sales and how to effectively overcome objections and increase profit.
Retail Sales Associates are the number one influencer on consumer buying decisions. The better they know your products, the more likely they are to recommend them.
Sales, Training and Advocacy programs put a live face to your brand at retail with the goal of educating store staff, relationship building and encouraging increased recommendations and purchases.
Advocacy programs drive marketing and sales spent ROI more than any other below the line service. When effectively implemented, they drive sales lift and create retail evangelists that convert consumers right at the point of purchase. Consumers arrive at stores more educated than ever before through on-line research. However, they still can be converted through effective sales tactics
Customers take great comfort in the “try before you buy” methodology. It eliminates any potential associated risk and breaks down all barriers to entry.
According to the EventTrack Survey from EMI, 65% of customers will purchase a product or service that is being promoted. When asked why they made the purchase, 78% responded that they were happy that they had the chance to try it first.
Additionally, a “Product Sampling Study” conducted by Arbitron and Edison found that 35% of customers who try a sample will buy that same sample on their shopping trip. Additionally, 24% of people will replace existing items on their shopping list with the sampled product.
Influence marketing not only understands product sampling, but we have a deep understanding of consumer behavior and how to effectively engage.
The distinguishing factor for Influence is that we work with our clients to understand what the brand teams are looking to achieve while integrating our knowledge of the retail landscape to build more successful programs.
From traditional product demonstrations to elevated in-store experiences our national network of product specialists will deliver key messages, collect relevant data, and encourage purchase. Our teams are fully certified to sample any food or alcohol products